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3 CRITICAL mistakes are seen on LinkedIn that most of you make before you start your job search!! 👇

3 CRITICAL mistakes are seen on LinkedIn that most of you make before you start your job search!! 👇

1. Putting "Actively looking for job opportunities" under your LinkedIn title headline.

Reason: This will not help you gain more interviews, you did not show your value and what you can contribute!

What hiring managers love to see is what you can bring and add value to their company.

2. Send inbox messages to HR or Recruiters, and asking them to help you! Or describe your problems or ask any strangers to refer a job to you.

Such as: Can you review my CV? I've submitted the job application, can you take a look?

I need a job urgently, can you refer me to your friends or let me know any opportunities?

3. Using the same/ old resume for all job applications, and even applied for 100+ jobs.

You need to tailor-make your resume for every company to increase your chances.

You need to make CHANGES!!

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