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Career Bootcamp? What does it look like??

Career Bootcamp? What does it look like??

Last week, partner with JAMES FOK🔅, we have a LIVE Masterclass.

We have designed a 4 Days Special Career Bootcamp to help Job Seekers.

After that people booked us and attended our LIVE since April 12th for 4 days.

Now, we also provide extra services, kind of rewrite their CVs and more Values!

We ADD 1 more Day for FREE to provide complete help and support without charge anything.

It's really fulfilling and great to jumpstart their career and boost their confidence level.

We taught the following:

1. Cracking the Decision Maker Code

2. Unlock Your Resume Potential

3. Secure an Offer in the First Attempt

4. LinkedIn is a Goldmine

Add one more Day: 5. How to Negotiate for a Better Salary and Counter Offer

Today is Day 4 of the Career Bootcamp, really excited to share!

And it is a great journey to know every one of you!

Will discuss with James if we will have another Masterclass or Bootcamp afterward.

To me, this is really great success for us, we also learn from each other and build that trust!

If you have any career advice and need any personalized help, feel free to contact me anytime.

I will try my best to help and provide the best solutions and support.


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