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Coronavirus impacted on your job search?

Coronavirus impacted on your job search?

Here are 3 Tips for you during these tough times.

Understand business as usual, but less likely to arrange a face-to-face meeting.

And with the uncertainties, the hiring process typically getting slower.

Companies are being more cautious to find the perfect candidate.

Haven't' said that, jobs still need to be filed. Good luck & Best wishes!

1. Reminder on Phone Interview

When there is someone calls you for Interview, just to be aware of:

Your actual sound of the voice, how high or low we pitch our tone, etc.

2. Prepare for Video Interview (e.g. via Zoom)

Practice using a camera to speak so that you don't feel awkward when you are looking at yourself.

Dress Up & test everything before joining the call.

3. Get Social and Build Relationship

Have your personal branding at a professional networking site & interact with more people. Give people value & establish meaningful conversations.

"Creative Ways to Find Jobs!"

Have you thought of making a short video to introduce yourself?

That kind of creative resume will help you to stand out from other candidates.

I have other creative suggestions for you. Join my programs to learn more.

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