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Here is your 2020:

Here is your 2020:

- Sent 150 job applications

- Got rejected 100 times

- Got ghosted 50 times

- Got invited for an Interview for only 5 times

- Got 0 Jobs offered

- Earned $0

- Complained everything due to COVID-19

What if Your 2021 could be:

- Discovered a business idea

- Transformed into a online business

- Promote it just rely on LinkedIn (No cost)

- Gained Followers from 12K to 120K in 12 months

- Generated Unlimited Leads and 300+ DMs every day

- Got invites to speak at various organizations

- Made 6-figures USD as a side income, passively!

This is what I've done in 2020... using LinkedIn powerful platform!

Learned a lifetime career skills & experience during COVID-19...

Imagine where I would be if I had continued doing job search or the traditional ways...

Sometimes we have to go out of your comfort zone to find a new path if the old one comes to an end!

It can be scary at the beginning, however it might be the most exciting journey of your life!

If you are stuck on your current career, simply find a new one, go with your guts!

If someone else can do it by Trial & Error, YOU can do it too!!

Agree? Thoughts? 👇

Keith LAU - Your Recruitment and LinkedIn Adviser


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