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How I Went From Jobless to Earning 6-Figures USD Just Relying on LinkedIn in Less Than 1 Year...

How I Went From Jobless to Earning 6-Figures USD Just Relying on LinkedIn in Less Than 1 Year Without Any Online Business Knowledge? 👇

Remembered on Q4, 2019, there was social unrest in Hong Kong... Followed by #COVID19, so many people lost their jobs! The unemployment rate increases a lot.

I've started my LinkedIn presence in Dec 2019 and quickly maxed out 30,000 connections.

What did I do?

Post valuable content consistently and persistently... Trial & Error, Modelling & learning from other Influencers!

I grew my followers from 12,000 to 120,000 in just 14 months.

I can generate unlimited leads every 5 mins (received 300+ DMs every day)

One of my posts has 3.66M+ views and 16,400+ reshares.

I have around 8.3 to 10.4 million views every months and total posted 963 times in 2020.

Here my quick tips for you if you want to have the same results:

- Discover your obsession

- Adapt to new realities

- Hustle isn't the answer

- Rise from the ashes

- Always persist and don't go it alone!

I want to share 5 more secrets with you in my 2 hours of LinkedIn Training.

If you want to learn more about Personal Branding + Monetization, then:

- Follow Keith LAU - Your LinkedIn Branding Trainer

- Like and share this post

- Comment: "GROW"

👉 Let's Win The LinkedIn



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