I will do a LIVE Demo on how to rewrite your CV and how to pass ATS.
I will do a LIVE Demo on how to rewrite your CV and how to pass ATS.
Ignoring ATS means ignoring your job application process.
Without knowing the trick you can't beat the odds in this turbulent job market.
James Lee MBA and Keith Lau - Your Recruitment Adviser will be sharing:
- Overview of Job Applicant's Dilemma
- Common Problems of your CV and why No response after Job Application
- Nobody tells you the mistake you made from time to time
- Demo in the process to edit your CV and make sure it stands out in the first 6 seconds
- Show you the Live Job Ads and how your application gets closer to shortlisting
If you applied for many jobs in LinkedIn but in Vain...
You can send us your CV and we can help to tidy up a few gaps you have.
We can tell you how far you are falling behind in your job application process.
If your method is wrong, you are throwing your CV into the deep ocean, for sure!
If you repeat the same process, you will get the same result (no response)...
It took me years to figure out the tricks and take charge of the flow of my CV.
And I will share with you my 10 years Recruitment experience with you! R
egistration Link: https://lnkd.in/gTsb-8y
Date: 8 June 2020, 8 PM Singapore Time
Send me your CV as well