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Someone messaged me, "Sir.. hii, how do i get n intrshp in big cmp;ny in Singpore?"

Someone messaged me, "Sir.. hii, how do i get n intrshp in big cmp;ny in Singpore?"

I replied, can you type properly?

Do you know it is very important as your first impression? 👇

From the HR point of view, this is the first criteria to read your CV, if there are any typos…

He replied: I want know get to tht opportunity.. this si a request, and I begg you please!

I give up!! Typo + Grammar problems!! But he keeps message me:

Plese tell me Sir... what need to done?

Finally, I replied once again: Minds your WORDS!! Hahahah, this is my Tips!!

Did I tell you when I first replied?

I don't know why it is so tough to explain to people that writing is really really really important. And if you want to message to the COLD audience via LinkedIn, you must be:

-> POLITE!! Sincere!! Build a relationship first!

-> Contribute values and NOT asking for this and that!!

If you want to know how to get Instant reply from HR, Recruiters, or Hiring Managers…

I have a FREE 100 minutes Masterclass to teach you. Interested, please do:

-Click Like this post

-Comment Masterclass

Completed the steps above I will be in touch with you!


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