The future belongs to those who learn more skills and...
The future belongs to those who learn more skills and...
combine them in creative ways. Agree??
Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection!
The best way to sharpen your skills is to use them!
Who is with me?? 👇
No matter what job you have in life...
Your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials;
15% by your professional experience, and 80% by your soft skills!!
Knowledge is NOT a skill. Knowledge plus 10,000 times is Skill!
Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft!
Skills are Freedom! Get Skilled Up!
If you want to upgrade your career skills... what I can do to help you:
- FREE 100 mins. Career Masterclass
- FREE Resume Cheat Sheet
- FREE Interview Tips & Guidebook
Interested to receive my help & the link, please do:
- Follow Keith LAU - Your Recruitment Adviser for more Career Advice in the future
- Like and share this post; then leave a Comment: "Support" so that I know how to connect with you!
I can't wait to empower you! Talk soon.