The Most Important Lesson From Posted 963 times in 2020
The Most Important Lesson From Posted 963 times in 2020
Summary of how your posts could go viral 👇
1) Choose Right-Time to Post
2) Optimize Your Content for Engagement
3) Different posting formats (e.g. video, poll, images, or texts)
4) Use Reactions, Call for Actions & Hashtags wisely~
5) Build Your Audience & Provide Consistently Value!
Also, please note: Don't click "F5" after posting!
You should enjoy the sunshine and learn from other influencers.
I posted 4 times per day and also leave at least 15 comments to other influencers.
You should build a relationship with your audience and grow a bigger network!!
As a result, I've grown my followers from scratch to 120K in just 14 months.
So just to rely on LinkedIn to have 6-figures USD as a side, and passive income in less than 1 year.
If you want to learn more, I do have the following to teach you:
- 2 hours of LinkedIn Training for Branding & Monetization
- Ask me to Quickly Scan and Audit your LinkedIn Profile
Interested to receive the link & details, then please do these:
- Follow Keith LAU - Your LinkedIn Branding Trainer
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I can't wait to empower you and Let's Win The LinkedIn!~