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Want to make YOUR LinkedIn Profile Shine??

Want to make YOUR LinkedIn Profile Shine??

Cheat Sheet to Build an ALL-STAR Profile! 👇

This is your FIRST impression of any employer and company!

Building a robust profile is easier than you think!

Once you hit the ALL-Star level, your profile strength will increase!

Trust me, your network is your Net Worth!

So, 8 key components to amp up your profile as below:

- Your Profile Photo

- Your Name & Headline

- Industry & Location

- Summary (About)

- Experience (Work)

- Education (at least one)

- Skills & Endorsements

- At least 50 Connections

* Don't forget to include a Background photo too!

Remember you can also add Pictures or Videos. So...

The more content and profile completion mean your profile is optimized for success!

According to LinkedIn, users who complete profiles are 40 times more likely to get contacted.

AND... Most importantly, ENGAGE!!!

Because of LinkedIn algorithm awards engagement with visibility.

If you want more Secret Tips & Tricks, engage with me:

- Like this post & Comment: LinkedIn

- Follow Keith LAU - Your LinkedIn Branding Trainer and Recruitment Adviser

Completed the steps above, I will grant you to my Free Masterclass!

Send me a Direct Message if you need any personalized help!


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