Why Can't I Find a JOB ?? Because of #COVID19??
Why Can't I Find a JOB ?? Because of #COVID19??
NO! Let me answer you with the reasons below:
If you are not getting any phone calls or Interviews, My Advice for you is: STOP!!
DON'T ever try to send or keep sending your resume again and again!! Forget it!!
The same approach, same method, same thinking?? If it works, it works!! Am I correct??
So issues for you right now:
- You need creative ways to find jobs and have a target list... not spam your CV!
- You are applying for roles in another irrelevant field, job nature, and industry
- You are not tailoring or customizing your resume and cover letter
- You cannot well explain your current situation and work achievement
- You did not prepare and cannot convince the hiring manager during Interview
Keep doing it?? May be just bad luck or economic situation??
No... keep going you will feel depressed as you will not hear any good news!
So, you need new training and a mentor for you to partner with... what do you think??
I have a solution for you, interested to learn more please do:
- Like & share this post
- Comment: Solution
- Follow Keith Lau - Your Recruitment Adviser
Send me a Direct message as well, then I will provide the link to you.
I will help you and add value to you!