Your LinkedIn Connection is your network & net worth!
Your LinkedIn Connection is your network & net worth!
6 Tricks to help you grow your first 500+ Connections 👇
1) Import your email contacts
Link with Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, LinkedIn can extract your connections easily.
2) Find personal contacts and add them!
Just go to the search bar, type your friend’s name, click “Connect”!
3) Use “People You May Know” feature
On "My Network" button, connect with people that LinkedIn recommended
4) Add someone “Who viewed your profile”
Most likely they are interested in you (at least they go through your profile)
5) Leverage “Scan LinkedIn QR Code” feature on mobile
Whenever you meet someone, just like exchange your business card, scan the QR code
6) Leverage your LinkedIn profile URL and keywords
Try to attract more people (even someone you don’t know) to connect with you
Please note...
More connections will rank higher in search results, it is very important!
You should also consider your game plan and have the ALL-Star profile.
If you want me to quickly scan and audit your LinkedIn, please do:
- Comment: #LinkedIn
- Follow Keith LAU – Your LinkedIn Branding Trainer
- Like and share this post to help more people
After that, I will send you the link & details!!