Aug 25, 2021
Let us Pray: - Your application will turn into an Interview...
Let us Pray: - Your application will turn into an Interview - Your Interview will turn into an Offer, and... - Your Offer from your dream...
Let us Pray: - Your application will turn into an Interview...
If a company needs more than 3 rounds of Interviews to hire you, that was a Red Flag!
Submit 10 CV - No Response
Dear Companies, Please take DOWN your Job Advertisement if you are not planning to hire...
My ex-colleague RESIGNED, He got a great opportunity elsewhere.
How to Build Your LinkedIn Strategies? Use this ONE Tip you will... WIN!
Recently I hired a candidate with an unstable resume. You will questions Why?
Dear Hiring Managers, I know you don't like employment gaps...
If I use Zoom Interview you, I will see 50% of you.
I tried to hire a person with a "FAKE" resume. Why?