Anyone who is unable to find a job or is in a financial problem please feel free to tag me on...
Anyone who is unable to find a job or is in a financial problem please feel free to tag me on your posts. I will spread the word.
If you are jobless & not getting interview calls for months now.
You can also leave a comment below about the job you are looking for. You can have a FREE 100 mins. Career Masterclass to uplift your skills.
My network (30% of recruiters) has been very kind till now & has helped so many people.
If you have no problems please help at least one person in your network. Good Karma will always give you several times back.
Let us all help as many as we can. Like and share this post to help spread the word. Cheers!
P.S.: I have crossed my 30,000 connection limit so kindly Follow me - Keith LAU (Your Recruitment Adviser) for more Career Advice in the future.
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