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Are you curious to know why so many Crazy Polls recently? 👇

Are you curious to know why so many Crazy Polls recently? 👇

Have you participated?

- NONE, I'm not interested

- Less than 5

- 6 to 10

- 10+ (Comment below, why?)

The answer is because of... LinkedIn Algorithm and the... "Engagement" matters!!

It may also because LinkedIn is launching "Creator Mode" and changed something on this platform.

When you Participated in the Polls, you will know other people's responses... it is interesting!

But you'll also need to "Click" one of the options! It is treated as a kind of "Like" the post already!

Therefore, "Engagement" concepts = Like / Comment / Share; it will boost up the Views!

Basically, this applies to every social media as you can see your friends reacted to other posts.

Recently, many posts like Text Only, with Image or Video did not drive the engagement.

So, content creators and influencers are trying to use POLLs to have more Views!

If you really want to learn more about Posting on LinkedIn, your branding, and how to Reach more people...

I do have 2 hours of LinkedIn Training to teach you and also...

You can claim a FREE Scan and Audit of your LinkedIn Profile!

I've grown my followers from scratch to 123K+ in just 14 months!

If you are interested to receive the link & details, please do:

- Follow Keith LAU - Your LinkedIn Branding Trainer

- Like this post & also Comment: "LINKEDIN" below!

👉 Let's Win The LinkedIn!



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