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How to address unemployment on your CV?

How to address unemployment on your CV?

Due to the economic downturn in Hong Kong, I am afraid some candidates will be unemployed for a while and therefore will have the “Career Gap” in the CV.

So what can we do? Should we mention in the CV?

My suggestions will be:

1) Stay positive, professionally, and clarify exactly why you were unemployed. And always be honest to reveal gaps in your employment no matter what you think it might look like to an employer

2) Focus on what you gained and mentioned your transferable skills that you have, and state anything you’ve learnt from your previous companies.

3) Upgrade yourself by taking a class, or update your skills and interests, so you can let your potential employers that you are fully utilize your available time.

If you're having difficulties in securing your Interviews, please you may send me an invite (I’ll accept anyone), so that I can give you some advice on your CV - for FREE.

Or if you would like to know more about the Interview skills, please reply/write “TIPS” in the comments and then I will send you the link to download our guidebook!

Hope we can help and add value to you! Thank you.


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