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The Benefits of A Long Interview and what does Short Interview mean?

The Benefits of A Long Interview and what does Short Interview mean?

You may even wonder things like, is a 30-min Interview good or bad?

A hiring manager who is interested in hiring you tends to let the Interview run long.

An interviewer may ask you more questions or talk to you about the role longer.

If the Interview ends early or tries to finish up quickly, it may be a sign that doesn’t feel you are the best match.

Because people have to take time out of their busy schedule to meet and don’t want to waste time.

Phone Interviews or Screening calls are often shorter, but face to face ideally would be 1 hour.

However, a long interview is a sign of success, not necessarily a means of success.

Keep your answers straightforward and provide examples to support your previous work projects & achievements.

If you feel your Interview went well, Follow-up! Rather than sitting around waiting for feedback.

Send a Thank You Email to state your interest, or just Call the HR or hiring manager Directly.

Be prepared for various types of Interviews & assessments. Good luck with your multiple Interview process!

If you want to learn more, please send me a direct message, I'll help you to prepare for your next Interview.


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